Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Squash BC Logo Poll: Results

The keypunch voting machine has been referenced, the ballot box has been emptied and the Chads are all clean: The official results of the Squash BC Logo Poll are in.

We go now to our own Squash Situation Room for the breakdown.
Forty-three (43) total votes were cast and you should know that we didn't vote. Not even twice. (Ed Note: We at the Squash Republic don't like the logo. Surprised?)

Of those 43 votes only seven "Loved" the existing logo. Hmmm. How many people are on Squash BC's executive? Six you say? (I keed. I keed with you.) On the other side of the spectrum, ten people "Hated" the logo. Ouch. That's almost a quarter of the votes!

Three voters didn't even know that Squash BC had a logo. (Or they're being sarcastic which we appreciate:)

The largest group of votes fell into the "Yawn, I guess it's okay" group: 53% of the voters or 23 votes. If I was running for office and the majority of polled voters said that I was "okay" I wouldn't call my Mom to report the results.

So what now? The Squash BC AGM is just around the corner - this Saturday as a matter of fact - and I wonder if our little poll will be mentioned. We know that the current and past presidents of Squash BC both know about it but will they listen to the people? I hope that they decide to canvass their membership* and look at updating their brand. If they do, we can help:)

Next week we hope to have some feedback from those in the know. We'll get back to you and maybe share with you the logo we submitted for their approval over two years ago. Peace.

(Ed. Note: Our poll was mentioned, and a link supplied to our blog for easy voting, in Squash BC's email newsletter to members.)

Next week: Guest blogger Runa Reta on "Racquet Interference."

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