Pacey + Pacey Design is a Vancouver studio that has been in the graphics business for over 12 years but only began to get involved doing design work for the squash community in 2004 when one of the partners caught the "squash bug". They've designed logos for clubs as far afield as Inuvik and Bogota and created posters for National tournaments in Canada and the Organization of Eastern Carribean States. All of that was well and good but, truth be told, their goal had always been to work with the "big boys".
At the end of 2008 the
Professional Squash Association contacted Pacey + Pacey and asked them to design a series of posters. These posters would be made available online to PSA event promoters to assist them in advertising their events. As the PSA has partners all over the world the posters would have to appeal to a varied taste. In the end five posters were created and each one stars a current PSA player and takes advantage of the amazing photography of Steve Line at
Squash Republic is pleased to give you a sneak peek at the posters.

We've already spotted one tournament using the poster: The Rochester Pro Am.

Let us know if you see any around and tell us what you think of the designs!